Ms. Natalia Malyshkina

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The Law Office of Natalia Malyshkina
351 California Street, Suite 300

San Francisco, CA 94104

The Law Office of Natalia Malyshkina

We see that people who come to an experienced immigration attorney early on in their immigration journey achieve dramatically better results than those who wait until the last minute.

We start working with clients by having an initial consultation. At the consultation, you can expect the following:

Answers: We will answer your questions. We will keep you informed and update you on new developments in immigration law.

Options: We evaluate your immigration options. Immigration law can be very complex. The USA immigration attorney will help explain the laws to you in an easy-to-understand manner and explain the immigration options available to you. We will also explain the procedures, timelines, expectations, and possible risks.

Plan: Our goal is to listen to you to help develop an action plan for your immigration needs. We are here to help!

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