Mr. James A. Welcome

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Law Offices of James A. Welcome
80 Central Avenue

Waterbury, CT 06702
(203) 753-7300

Attorney James Welcome represents many clients with family visa petitions, including petitions for spouses, parents and children.   Attorney Welcome has helped clients from all over the world petition for family members to come to the United States.  In addition, James A. Welcome has provided representation here in the U.S. for family petitions for green cards for spouses and parents of U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents. 

An undocumented immigrant who is convicted of even a minor crime can be subject to deportation; James Welcome is very experienced in federal immigration law, and can work to prevent a minor error by a prior criminal defense attorney or public defender from resulting in your deportation from the United States. Attorney Welcome handles all areas of green card applications and defends those with cases before the Immigration Court. James also has prepared political asylum applications and conducted political asylum trials before the Immigration Courts.  James has years of experience in obtaining resident, worker, and professional visas on behalf of his clients, many of whom do not speak English well and have difficulty navigating the complicated application process. Finally, Attorney Welcome has had success with appeals of deportation cases and has filed numerous immigration appeals before the Board of Immigration Appeals and the First, Second, and Third Circuit Courts of Appeals.

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