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Immigration Law Office
1575 Shaw Ave.
Suite 114

Clovis, CA 93611
(559) 297-6800

Isabel Machado, an immigrant from Portugal, moved from the east coast to Fresno, California in early 2002 to work in immigration law. When the job she moved for didn't work out, she opened Immigration Law Office. That was May 2003. Her only marketing was the phone book and her website (created by a relative) but before she knew it, she was a household name in the Central Valley thanks to referrals from her clients. In 2009, she moved her office to Clovis, the town next door to Fresno, and her firm's growth and success continued without interruption through word of mouth. After almost 20 years, she decided to downsize the firm and move her family back to the east coast for her kids' education. She now works remotely from Connecticut and travels back to Fresno as needed.

Since day one, Isabel's mission and goal have been to help the immigrant community with integrity and ferver. She a highly passionate, dedicated, and hardworking lawyer that is committed to helping people. Her clients' goals are her goals because she cares deeply about being an advocate and about the quality of her work. She takes the time to listen to her clients and gives them personal attention because she truly cares about making a difference and recognizes the importance of a positive attorney-client relationship. 


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